We are Top Consulting Company
Our expertize in different areas is the value added for our partners, from:
- Production of wine and alcoholic beverages, milk products, vegetable oil, sausage and meat products, saunas, solariums and IR cabins, plastic articles;
- Sales and distribution of food and non-food products, installing of fire and security systems;
- International transport services, logistics, customs assistance, organization of exhibitions, financial, legal, human resources and managerial consultancy, training and qualification services, auto service and IT systems providing.
It is our honor to be part of your team!

Schimbări aduse de noua ediție 14001:2015
Organizatia Internationala de Standardizare (ISO) in mod normal revizuieste standardale la fiecare 5 ani, pentru a se asigura ...
Read MoreNoul standard ISO 45001:2018
ISO 45001 se bazează pe OHSAS 1801 – fostul standard de referință pentru sistemele de management al săsnătății și securității ...
Read MoreSchimbări aduse de noua ediție 14001:2015
March 28, 2019Noul standard ISO 45001:2018
March 28, 2019Services we provide

Is designed to help the management system achieve its objectives.

Operational audit
A systematic process of company efficiency, process efficiency and risk identification, executed by a qualified person with top management knowledge of the results and areas of improvement.

Training for professionals
Development of unique skills and perception in the field of efficient organization of enterprise and of international management systems.
Services we offer
Our Clients

Database formation and data processing
ISO 9001:2015

Ensuring the security of offices, commercial and industrial objectives, banking institutions, housing and personal security
ISO 9001:2015

Production of frozen pies.
ISO 22000:2018

Development, promotion and protection of football in Moldova.
ISO 9001:2015

Manufacture and sale of electrical equipment and light sources based on LED.
ISO 9001:2015

Design and production of playgrounds and and sports equipment.
ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14000:2015, ISO 45001:2018

Seed processing (sunflower).
ISO 22000:2018, ISO 9001:2015

Production of cakes and pastries.
ISO 22000:2018

Processing and freezing of fruits
ISO 22000:2018

Packing dried fruits, nuts, galette production.
ISO 22000:2018

“Brodsky Uskov Looper Reed şi Partenerii” SRL
“Brodsky Uskov Looper Reed şi Partenerii” SRL
Legal advice, human resources, accounting
Grading system procedure

Production and trading of plastic products
ISO 9001:2015

Poliproject Exhibition SRL
Poliproject Exhibition SRL
Exhibition activities
ISO 9001:2008

Renaissance Perfect SRL
Renaissance Perfect SRL
Production and sales of strong alcoholic drinks
ISO 22000:2005

Acorex Wine Holding SRL
Acorex Wine Holding SRL
Production and sales of strong alcoholic drinks
ISO 22000:2005

Intas-Goodwill SRL
Intas-Goodwill SRL
Financial consultancy
Operational Management

Chateau Vartely SRL
Chateau Vartely SRL
Production and sales of strong alcoholic drinks
ISO 9001:2000 + HACCP

Gradalogistic SA
Gradalogistic SA
Railway, auto and multimodal logistics services
ISO 9001:2008

AdCognos SRL
AdCognos SRL
Training in financial sector
Operational Management

Juice production and canned fruits and vegetables
ISO 22000:2005

Spamol SRL
Spamol SRL
Production of saunas, solariums and IR cabins
ISO 9001:2008

Rumeon SRL
Rumeon SRL
Auto trade and service
Organizing service processes

Alianta-Vin SRL
Alianta-Vin SRL
Production and sales of strong alcoholic drinks
ISO 22000:2005

Victiana SRL
Victiana SRL
Trading and mounting of equipment for security systems (video, control access, anti-fire)
ISO 9001:2008

Farm meat processing SRL
Farm meat processing SRL
Production and sales of sausages and meat products
ISO 22000:2005

ADD Production SRL
ADD Production SRL
Production of electrical and electronic measuring equipment
Corporate training ISO 9001: Formation of internal auditors

Moldexpo SA
Moldexpo SA
Exhibition Services
Reengineering of basic processes
ISO 22000:2005

Exterior SRL
Exterior SRL
Trading and mounting ofequipment for security systems (video, control access, anti-fire)
ISO 9001:2015

Design, production, trading and repairing of LED products.
ISO 9001:2015

Production of caramels
ISO 22000:2005 and ISO 9001:2015, HALAL System

Bakery premixes, pastry ingredients and chocolate production.
ISO 22000:2005 and ISO 9001:2015

Venava-Grup SRL
Venava-Grup SRL
Design, execution and installation of radio-tele communications networks.
ISO 9001:2015

Design, execution and installation of radio-tele communications networks.
ISO 9001:2015

Rumeon SRL представляет собой крупный автокомплекс, включающий в себя автосалон, станцию технического обслуживания, магазин оригинальных аксессуаров и запчастей, а также отдел технической документации. Спектр предлагаемых услуг постоянно расширяется и становится все более разнообразным. С целью дальнейшего развития компании, в 2008г. руководство приняло решение о внедрении ISO 9001:2008 – «ISO 9001:2008. Системы менеджмента качества. Требования».
По итогам проведенного конкурсного отбора была выбрана консалтинговая компания Top Consulting SRL и предложенный ею метод внедрения ISO 9001:2008. Top Consulting SRL проявила себя как организация, которая смогла еще на этапе переговоров продемонстрировать глубокое понимание требований бизнеса заказчика и творческий подход при выполнении проэкта.
В ходе проэкта мы не только получили инструменты для решения задач компании, Rumeon SRL, но и смогли оценить проффесиональные качества подрядчика – компании Top Consulting SRL, нацеленность на результат и умение разделять ценности клиента.
Сотрудничество начатое в 2008г. продолжается и в настоящее время.
За указанный период был разработан и внедрен Международный Стандарт Качества ISO 9001:2008, а также была проведена реорганизация процессов оказания услуг по ремонту автомобилей.
Мы рады, что выбрали Top Consulting SRL в качестве партнера по внедрению ISO 9001:2008. Результаты работы подтвердили правильность нашего выбора консалтинговой компании. Умение находить лучшие решения в сложных ситуациях, стремление детально изучить суть и уникальность бизнес-процессов, высокие коммуникативные качества консультантов позволили достичь высоких результатов.
Благодорим команду компании Top Consulting SRL за плодотворное сотрудничество и желаем новых выдающихся достижений.

Alianta-Vin SRL является крупным производителем молдавских вин, которые признаны на разных международных ярмарках продовольственных товаров. Для тех, кто идёт в ногу со временем, для людей с тонким вкусом – Alianta-Vin SRL создала уникальную коллекцию сортовых, креплённых, десертных и газированных вин. Неизменно высокое качество выпускаемой продукции гарантируют собственные виноградники лучших сортов, переработка винограда на современном оборудовании ведущих европейских производителей. Но для подтверждения данного уровня качества, в 2011г., компания Alianta-Vin SRL приняла решение по внедрению ISO 22000:2005 – «Системы менеджмента в области безопасности продовольствия и пищевой продукции — Требования для любых организаций в цепи поставок».
В качестве партнера по внедрению ISO 22000:2005 мы выбрали компанию TOP CONSULTING SRL, и не ошиблись с выбором. TOP CONSULTING SRL полностью оправдала оказанное доверие.
Консультантов компании отличает высокий профессионализм, технологичность, творческий подход при выполнении проэкта, что, безусловно, сказывается на скорости и качестве проэкта.
Нельзя не отметить богатый опыт и компетентность руководства и специалистов TOP CONSULTING SRL, которые с самого начала были настроены на достижение целей и высоких результатов.
Настоящим письмом Alianta-Vin SRL выражает благодарность за эффективную работу и участие консалтинговой компании Top Consulting SRL в процессе разработки и внендрению ISO 22000:2005, а также надеемся на продолжение сотрудничества в плане сопровождения внедренных систем. Опыт совместной работы позволяет рекомендовать компанию TOP CONSULTING SRL как надежного партнера, способного профессионально, оперотивно и качественно решать сложные и нестандартные задачи.

Настоящим письмом подтверждаем высокую полезность и системность результатов работы консалтинговой компании Top Consulting SRL на протяжении комплексного проекта по разработке и внедрению ISO 22000:2005 – «Системы менеджмента в области безопасности продовольствия и пищевой продукции — Требования для любых организаций в цепи поставок».
В 1996 году компания «RENAISSANCE-PERFECT»SRL стала первым частным предприятием в Молдове, получившим лицензию на производство водки, и за годы своей деятельности приобрела статус наиболее динамично развивающейся компании в своей отрасли, лидера молдавского водочного рынка. За это же время торговая марка PERFECT расширилась далеко за пределы Молдовы и стала производиться в Израиле и Румынии, где были созданы независимые предприятия, и, найдя своего потребителя, заслужено заняла позицию брэнда №1.
Компания Top Consulting SRL была отобрана по результатам тендера, ключевыми критериями которого являлись – наличие опыта специалистов, инновационность и понятность решений, комплексности выполняемых работ, вид обучения сотрудников компании. Компания Top Consulting SRL полностью оправдала оказанное доверие, решив все поставленные задачи.
Особенно хочется отметить отктрытый и честный подход нашего партнера к работе, профессионализм и опыт специалистов Top Consulting SRL, а также эффективную организацию хода проэкта. Между сотрудниками «RENAISSANCE-PERFECT» SRL и консалтинговой компанией Top Consulting SRL был быстро найден общий язык, что позволило преодолеть все трудности связанные с бизнес-процессами. Сейчас сотрудничество успешно продолжается в рамках договора по сопровождению внедренных систем.
Эффективная совместная работа позволяет отметить компанию Top Consulting SRL как надежного компетентного партнера, понимающего бизнес-задачи и своевременно выполняющего принятые на себя обязательства.

In urma recertificarii recente de succes a Gradalogistic S.A. conform standartului de calitate, versiunea 9001:2015, doresc sa aduc sincere multumiri pentru aportul Dumneavoastra in acest rezultat.
Inca odata am realizat ca echipa Top Consulting si in special conducatorul ei, doamna Liliana Buza, este o echipa de profesionisti, care sunt orientati in primul rand la rezultatul clientilor sai.
Am avut un plan ferm de actiuni din partea Top Consulting, care a fost bine determinat, gandit si prelucrat la un nivel inalt al asteptarilor noastre.
Va dorim succese in continuare si speram la colaborari fructuoase pe viitor.
- Gradalogistic SA Director General Gradalogistic SA, Vitalie Belescu
“С апреля по ноябрь 2018 компания Топ Консалтинг осуществляла разработку практического материала и внедрение системы менеджмента в области безопасности пищевой продукции по международному стандарту ISO 22000:2018.
Отличная команда профессионалов помогла быстро и качественно оптимизировать работу и документооборот компании, повысить качество планирования и организацию производства.
Современный, простой и понятный подход в решении задач, сделал совместную работу по внедрению системы максимально комфортной для нас как для заказчика.
А, консультирование на профессиональные темы после завершения проекта, мы считаем отличной чертой современной европейской компании. “
- Gvura SRL Administrator Oleksandr HubarenkoFrequently asked questions
How to choose a consulting company?
There is no shortage of consultants. You’ll find the guy who used to work for a famous company, the gal who bought a well-known franchise and a bunch you’ve never heard of. So how does a business owner choose the right consultants for their needs?
Here are 7 suggestions to help you make the best decision.
Define your goals
Do you need strategic planning to set your course for the future? Executive coaching to increase effectiveness and leadership capacity? Assessments to reduce turnover and improve performance? Leadership training to turn B players into As? Work with one person or the entire leadership team?
Start the process by defining exactly what type of assistance you need. You’re looking for results, so be clear on what your expectations are.
Look at experience
The best consultants have been around the block a few times. You want to leverage their broad experience with other people, companies and industries to maximize the impact on your situation. Great consultants have the ability to see patterns and bring both proven approaches and outside-the-box thinking to your challenge.
Make sure you connect
The consulting relationship should be a very close one. That only happens when there is an open and positive rapport. Spend the time to get to know your potential consultant. Look at it this way: the two of you are going to embark on a long road trip together. Make sure you are compatible so you enjoy the ride. You’ll get where you’re going faster.
Ask for references
Good consultants have a long list of happy customers. Talk with current and past accounts to learn more about what the experience was like and how effective it really was.
Read the fine print
Some consultants charge by the hour. Others require a lengthy commitment. Make sure you understand what you’re getting into so there are no surprises at the end of the month.
Understand their approach
There are consultants who use a scripted methodology as dictated by their franchise affiliation. Others assess each unique situation and draw from a wide variety of tools to create a customized solution. Make sure your consultant uses an approach that rings true to you.
Commit to the time
Some consultants meet face-to-face for an hour, twice a month. Others meet for a few hours at a time, once a month. Some use video calls to eliminate travel and simplify meeting times. Regardless of the format, make sure you commit to not only the meeting time but also the time needed to work on new skills.
Why is it good to be iso certified?
Certification under a quality management system such as ISO offers numerous benefits to small business owners.
Your business generally becomes more efficient and productive, giving you an edge over your competitors. You can also enjoy marketing benefits from ISO certification because you can reassure customers that your business follows the highest quality standards.
Here are some of the other key advantages:
- All your processes are evaluated, standardized and explained to personnel
- Training new employees is much easier
- Problems are detected more quickly and solutions are improved
- Improved customer satisfaction
- Better understanding of customer needs
- Better perception of your company
- Suppliers become more like partners
- Overall communication is improved
- Better knowledge of your company by employees
- Improved participation of employees
Internally, it helps you define clear objectives and obliges you to review them. It also improves communication by defining your processes and helps to reduce nonconforming products. Reducing nonconformities sometimes frees up capacity. ISO helps to reduce inventory through better communication and follow-up with suppliers. It also helps you address the causes of existing or potential problems through corrective and preventive actions. Overall, ISO improves task definition (who does what), motivates your employees to improve the system and mobilizes them around objectives.
How do I get certified?
Before you can get certified, you will first have to develop and document your production processes and implementing the correct procedures to ensure you can maintain your quality standards.
Here are the four essential steps to becoming an ISO-certified business.
- Develop your management system
- Identify your core or business processes.
- Document processes with the involvement of employees.
- Review, approve and distribute the documents to those who need access to the information.
- Identify and analyses the risks and opportunities for business
- Implement your system
- Ensure procedures are being performed as they are described in your documentation.
- Ensure employees are trained properly for the tasks they are performing.
- Create effective reporting systems to cover inspection, testing, corrective actions, management review meetings, monitoring of objectives, statistical techniques and so on.
- Monitor the effectiveness of your processes through the use of measurable data, where possible.
- Review and take action to improve in the areas required.
- Verify that your system is effective
- Conduct the audit and review the processes and system for compliance and effectiveness.
- Observe, interview people and look at sample records.
- Identify and report strengths and weaknesses of the management system.
- Take corrective or preventive action as required.
- Register your system
- Select the appropriate auditing body for external registration.
- Submit your management system documentation for review to ensure it complies with the applicable standard.
- Prepare for review by an external auditor to confirm that the system’s requirements are being satisfied and that the management system is implemented effectively.
How to choose a certification body to carry out iso?
As in any other field of activity in ISO certification and consulting, there is a large number of companies trying to gain as much share on market by different methods.
It is important not only choosing a consulting firm in implementing ISO, but choosing a certification body ISO, being an essential part of the ISO certification process.
Top Consulting offers its clients assistance in selecting the certification body, taking care that it meets all legal requirements, international and customer needs (sales market, spoken language, qualification of auditors, etc.).
The final decision in choosing the certification company belongs to the client, therefore in addition to recommendations of consulting firm is well to consider the following advice in the choice of ISO certification body:
- Firstly it should not be a conflict of interest, neither with your company, nor with the consulting company, nor with any other interested party
- Secondly you need to know if the certification body is accredited by an association / organization competent to accreditation. If a not accredited company gives ISO certificate, it is not valid and therefore participation in auctions is not possible. Any certification body may issue an ISO Certificate, but only those issued by bodies accredited are recognized and are therefore valid. In selecting the certification body, it should be required the proof of its accreditation by a recognized accreditation body.
- Thirdly chosen certification body must demonstrate that is accredited in the areas requested by the client in order to issue valid certificates. Accreditation means that a certification body was officially recognized as competent to perform the certification in certain fields of activity, by an accreditation body. Do not be misled by well-known names.
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